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Book Launch September 17th 2013 Parliament House Sydney Australia.

Dear friends, since last newsletter I have also had a wonderful experience of having my book Redeeming Grief, Abortion and its Pain, (Sec. Ed) launched in the New South Wales Parliament House. It was launched by the Hon. Mr Paul Green member of the Legislative Council, and all this organised by his very beautiful personal assistant Yvette Hanna.

Mr Green had very obviously read the book, that is, not just the back cover as sometimes happens, because he seemed to know all the topics covered. His words of commendation and encouragement nearly made my heart burst with pride that we have such good members who represent us.

Thank you Paul I very much appreciated everything you said and a huge thank you to Yvette who amongst all the work of a personal assistant also organised this beautifully.

I would also like to say a big thank you to the Rev Fred Nile MLC for his presence and other distinguished guests. Thank you also to Kath and Carolyn who travelled hundreds and hundreds of kilometres from Canberra to be present. There were others there but I didn’t recognise them except Ray. Thanks Ray Wood.

A final big thank you to my publisher (Freedom Publishing) for assisting in all ways to make things happen.

I hope that this book finds its way into a million hands. It really is a hope filled book which explains that abortion grief is not to be despised, hidden, denied but accepted as a “good” kind of grief experienced because of love and loss and a grief needed so that an aborted baby does not pass by unnoticed and the mother has a chance to openly grieve for her loss. Not the manner of the dying BUT the dying of her child. This is utterly important.

Anne Lastman

Anne is a qualified post abortion grief counsellor and sexual abuse counsellor who has worked in this area for nearly 30 years. Over the years Anne has developed a recovery strategy, which works well for those who persevere with the programme. Anne continues to study post abortion grief and the related, sexual abuse grief, which manifest with similar symptoms.

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