Sitting in my parish church (Perth Cathedral) for about 45 minutes before noon Lenten Mass,…
Asia Pacific Rim Conference August 16-19th 2013.
Dear Friends, have just returned from 5 days in Malaysia (Kuching Sarawak) where I attended a conference the Asia Pacific Rim Counsellors and Psychotherapists Conference. I also delivered a paper on Post Abortion Grief. I enjoyed the conference so much and made new friends and caught up with friends made at the same conference two years ago.
The venue, The Riverside Majestic Hotel was exquisite, I would recommend it to anyone and the people are so courteous. It was simply a great pleasure to be there.
For me, who works 5 1/2 days per week starting 7.30am and having long days, it was lovely to have nothing to do but to listen to talented speakers and hear how their journey in the world of counselling progresses. I also met several Victorians and we will be in touch to continue the friendship.
I think that the most important thoughts I brought back home are these, that what I am doing is good and correct, and this was confirmed by three different people at different times of the conference who said “Anne you really are a strong person aren’t you?” I didnt know what to answer because mostly I dont feel strong or powerful I feel very vulnerable and alone and a lot of the time “lonely” in this work, and the other thought I brought back is that the style of counselling I practice is very very good. It changes the brain. Talking to people changes the brain structure, and who I am as a therapist facilitates that brain change.
How interesting that the speaker who spoke on the science of the brain said “the brain developes within a few weeks after conception.” I imagined all the knowledge that has been lost through the abortions in society. If the brain is one of the first organs to develop imagine the loss to us all, that the hundreds and hundreds of millions of aborted babies were not able to develop their brain and maybe find a cure for all our ills. I wonder about the talent lost to selfishness of this society.
As always I have returned with renewed vigor to continue not only to counsel, but to speak and write about abortion and the pain that this abomination causes not only to the baby, the woman and the man but to whole society who suffer an immense loss.