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Book Launch – Redeeming Grief (2nd Ed).

Hello dear friends

Don’t forget the launching of my book Redeeming Grief (2nd Ed) Abortion and Its Pain, to be held on Tuesday night 11th June 2013 at the offices of the Publisher Freedom Publishing

Address: 2nd floor, 35 Whitehorse Rd, BALWYN, VIC, 3103
Phone: (03) 9816 0888

Time: 7.30pm.

I will be there and will be happy to sign book.

For Interstate readers of blog there will be a launch in Parliament House on Sept. 17th. More on this as we come closer to the date.

Hope to see you Tuesday night.


Anne Lastman

Anne is a qualified post abortion grief counsellor and sexual abuse counsellor who has worked in this area for nearly 30 years. Over the years Anne has developed a recovery strategy, which works well for those who persevere with the programme. Anne continues to study post abortion grief and the related, sexual abuse grief, which manifest with similar symptoms.

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